things i do. and things i can do for you.


you only have one chance

to make a first impression.

some guy. abe lincoln? i forget.

this is a quote i read as a young girl and i have never forgotten it. i believe it may be one of the most important things to remember when you are building a business identity. whenever i have a new idea for a product or business, before i have even started brainstorming the processes i am daydreaming about what the first thing is that people will see–what impression will my website, photographs, typography choices, colors and product make? what statement will my logo make? how will it make people feel?

a website, a logo, an identity–these are equal and as important as the way you feel when you drive by an establishment. what impression does it make on you? do you want to look in the windows? do you make a mental note to check it out some time? or does it breeze by your eyes and make no statement at all? and if that establishment is lucky enough to grab your attention, what will you feel when, if ever, you walk in the door? have you made a mistake? is the menu appealing? are the walls paneled and outdated? what is keeping you from turning around and walking right back out?

your idea or product may be the equivalent of a world-renown chef artfully preparing gourmet dishes out-of-view in the small kitchen of an outdated diner, but if each physical or digital element in your branding strategy is not visually and/or aesthetically appealing enough to draw your target market in, they will never ever know it. my passion is to create the visual and physical elements that draw people in. into your brand, into your product, into your services or establishment…at its most basic…into you.

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